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                    居 . 注-王海川作品展展訊

                    中藝網(wǎng) 發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2010-07-17
                    The Note of Staying -Wang Haichuan Solo Exhibition

                    展覽時(shí)間: 2010年7月10日-2010年8月25日

                    Date: July 10,2010- August 25,2010

                    開幕酒會: 2010年7月10日星期六下午4-6時(shí)

                    Reception: 4pm-6pm,Saturday,July 10th,2010

                    主辦: 高地畫廊

                    Host: Gaodi Gallery

                    開放時(shí)間: 11:00-18:00(星期二至星期日,周一休息)

                    Opening Hours: 11am-6pm ( Tuesday-Sunday, Monday By Appointment Only )

                    地址: 中國北京市朝陽區(qū)酒仙橋路2號798藝術(shù)區(qū)706北四街B10

                    Venue: B10,706 North Forth St.,798 Art Zone,No.2

                    Jiuxianqiao,Chaoyang District, Beijing, China


                    Wang Haichuan, whose major was visual art, used to work in the field of architecture and landscape design for many years. In his works, there are no figures. People tend to regard these works as cliches of landscape painting because of his portrayal of buildings and gardens. But the fact is not like that. Since 2008, artists first portrayed those monuments, and then he spread to all kinds of high-class compounds. If we ignore the brush strokes in the picture, we can almost consider these images as architectural paintings. However, the conception of these paintings happens to be in these non-painting elements. These single-colored pictures make things from the real scenes become fake. The absence of people in the pictures makes these humanized things lose their “humanities”; they look like the empty and simple decorations on the stage. Those single-colored brush strokes continuously remind us of the fakeness of the beauty and the artist’s attempt to destroy or penetrate it. Wang Haichuan’s works destroy the superficial characters of those beautiful
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